Change A Life

I am Rachel Bright Neal, a proud graduate of Ricks Institute, I want to give young people the opportunity to experience the Ricks Institute I experienced. You can kindly assist with a donation towards my goal of $3,500.

Thank you for changing a life.

$0.00 of $3,500.00


RIAA-USA Fundraising Campaign portal is a non-profit crowdfunding platform that allows members to raise money in support of RIAA-USA programs and projects.  It is an excellent platform made available to RIAA-USA members only to solicit financial support for RIAA-USA from family and friends via social media.  Note that all donations made in a member’s name are tracked and reported as part of that member’s cumulative giving to RIAA-USA. If you are so inclined to help and go beyond the ordinary, it would be highly appreciated.  If you can’t or don’t desire to participate, just pray that we reach our 2023 goal to raise $3,500 through this platform. If you want to start a Fundraising Campaign today, please click the link below to create your own Fundraising Campaign.

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